My dear Sisters and Brothers, Peace and Grace in our Savior!
I will never forget when I went to the Mountain of Transfiguration in the Holy
Land with a pilgrim group. A profound feeling of peace enveloped my entire
being. On top of a mountain, we certainly get a wider perspective and view.
Our eyes roam very far into the horizon and, as the view leaves us breathless, it
is as though so much is soaking through the pores of our skin, drowning us in
its noise and materialism. That is why, like Peter, James and John, we need a mountain top experience with Christ to catch a vision of something better, to widen our perspective, to have a glimpse of the glory of Jesus’ divinity.
This “mountain top” moment with the Lord, like the Sunday Eucharist we celebrate, will always be an em- powering experience as we take up our daily crosses, remain strong against temptation from our secular so- ciety that twists our sense of values and tries its best to reverse it. With Christ in whom “God gives us every- thing else along with Him” (Rom. 8:31-32), we can regain our sense of direction (if we are lost) because in Jesus’ presence, it is easy to tell north from south, and east from west. Moreover, we are certain that suffer- ings, disappointments, fears and anxieties are not the end of our journey through life. Through it all, our loving Father is for us, with us, in us, leading us to our home in heaven.
Let us keep on being together on this mountain top experience with our Lord and Brother, Jesus Christ, es- pecially in prayer and solidarity.
In Jesus, our Bread of Life, Fr. Frankie, SSS, Pastor