My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord: Needless to say, Brothers and Sisters, these are devastatingly difficult times in which we live, the rising human and economic costs of COVID 19 virus throughout the world. We are getting used to words like lockdown, social distancing, shelter in place, quarantine, curfew, etc. The reality we are in today presents us with new challenges on how to live a lively faith, in solidarity of heart and mind with all the people in the world. We are concretely living the other aspect of being Church, that of communion of saints sans being physically gathered. The Holy Spirit makes it possible for we are members of the corporate Body of the Risen Christ. YES, WE ARE AN EASTER PEOPLE, redeemed by the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus for God loves us boundlessly. It is this assurance of love that we cry in faith, hope, and love to God for an end to this crisis. And we believe that in His time, it will end. While waiting in trust, God is teaching us, His children, valuable lessons about our common humanity, to being more responsible stewards of creation, of time, talents, and treasures. These are the values, the truth that Easter reveals to us and ought to live every day as Sisters and Brothers of Christ.
Easter is a season of great rejoicing! The Risen Christ is among us in His abiding presence. Let us be constantly aware of Him who “knows when I sit and stand, understand my thoughts from afar, behind and before encircle me and rest His hand upon me.” (Ps. 139: 1,5). St. Paul affirms, “…nothing can separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus.” (Rom. 8:39) It is in this hopeful vein, and on behalf of myself, Fr. Pat, Bro. Buddy and Dcn. Raffy, that we greet you and your dear ones with a blessed, hope and faith-filled EASTER. Please know and truly rest assured that Fr. Pat and I remember you all in our prayers, our daily “private Masses” while looking forward, God willing, when we meet again face to face. Do pray for us too.
Joyfully in Christ, the Bread of Life,
Fr. Frankie de los Reyes, SSS, Pastor/ Fr. Pat Labasano, SSS, Parochial Vicar