Ordinations Rising– and You Can Help The number of priests being ordained has risen slightly in recent years, and while ordinations still aren’t keeping pace with priests’ retirements, there is good news to report. According to CARA’s annual survey of soon-to-be-ordained priests, men are being ordained younger and are receiving more encouragement than in past years. What can you do to help more young men discern the priesthood?
Encourage teens. Boys first consider priesthood, on average, at 16.
Invite, invite, invite! 82% of men ordained in 2017 were encouraged to consider priesthood by an average of four people.
Promote prayer in the parish. Before entering seminary, three-quarters of new priests regularly attended Eucharistic Adoration and 69% regularly prayed the rosary.
Do you have someone in mind who may make a good priest? Mention it to him. Even if he’s not called, it’s a compliment to his faith—one he’ll never forget!