Today’s Gospel (Matthew 21:28) has us seeing two sons who were asked by their father to: “Go out and work in the vineyard today.” The first son refused but later went to work in the vineyard. The second son agreed to work in the vineyard but he did not go. Can I see myself in a similar situation as the second son? Are there times when I know I should visit someone, comfort them, call them or send a card but I choose not to? And, are there times when I, like the first son, visit or call someone or send a card even if initially I didn’t want one more thing on my plate and thought I didn’t have the time or energy to do so? Lord Jesus, please bless me as you blessed the first son who said he would not work in the vineyard but later he went as his father asked. And, please, Jesus shake me up a bit when I’m like the second son who agreed to work in the vineyard but did not carry out his promise.