Sunday, Sept. 27 is Priesthood Sunday, a special day set aside to honor the holy priesthood. On this day, we are asked to reflect upon and affirm the essential role of the priesthood in the life of the Church. Without priests, the Mass could not be offered and sacraments could not be celebrated. Today, we make time to honor and thank our parish priests for saying yes to Christ, and yes to our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We wish to express our sincerest appreciation to our priests at MSOS by praying for them in a special way in Our Prayers of the Faithful. We appreciate our priests and support them today for having given their lives to Christ.
For Fr. Frankie, our Pastor, and Fr. Pat, our Parochial Vicar, in their ministry to the People of Mary, Star of the Sea Parish to affirm, support, and celebrate their gifts of service to us, we pray to the Lord… That we may never take the presence of our priests for granted, as we cherish the celebration of the Mass and are nourished by the Eucharist, we pray to the Lord… That this parish family may always embrace our priests, and sustain their ministry by our love, our constant prayer, and our trust in their leadership, we pray to the Lord…
For the gift to our parish and diocese of vocations to the ordained priesthood, that good men may be drawn to love and to serve the People of God, we pray to the Lord…
For retired priests, that they may experience God’s abundant love as they walk a new path of prayer and servanthood in retirement, we pray to the Lord… For priests who now sleep in peace of the resurrection, and for those who may die this year or this day, that God lead them gently into their eternal reward, we pray to the Lord