Grace and Peace in our Lord Jesus! Please find inserted in our Parish bulletin the Statutes of the Pastoral Council of Mary, Star of the Sea Parish. Our beloved Bishop Larry promulgated the norms for Parish Pastoral Councils in the Diocese in November of 2018. All the parishes in the diocese are required by the norms to have a functioning pastoral council with statutes by Sunday, June 9, 2019.
Wishing Deacon Raffy and Pinky the warmest Aloha as they join our Mary, Star of the Sea Parish family on July 1, 2019!! Deacon Rafael “Raffy” Mendoza and Maria Sofia “Pinky” Mendoza Raffy and Pinky were married in December 1982 and are blessed with three grown up sons (the first two sons are based in Manila, Philippines while the youngest is in Pasadena, California).