The Supreme Court is ready to make a major landmark decision on Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health. Jackson Women’s Health Care is an abortion clinic in Mississippi challenging the Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act (2018) that limits abortion at 15 weeks. Modern science has proven that a fetus at 15 weeks is capable of feeling pain, has a fully formed nose, lips and eyebrows and is able to suck their thumb.
by Excepted from The Sunday Readings, Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.
The Gospel is from St. John, 21:1-19, The primary purpose in recounting this appearance of the Risen Christ to his Apostles, was to stress the actual conferring of the Primacy on Peter. From this very first meeting with Christ at the Jordan (Jn. 1:42) the Savior had told him that his name Simon bar-Jonah would be changed to Cephas, which means Rock. Some year or so later, at Caesarea Philippi, this change took place when Christ said to Simon, "You are (Peter) Rock. and upon this Rock I will build my Church . . . and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 16:18-19).