We have finally come to this moment in time -- the much-anticipated celebration of the 75-Year Anniversary of our beloved Mary, Star of the Sea Church & Schools. Together as a community, we will officially culminate the year-long celebration of this Diamond Jubilee on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at the 8:15 AM Mass, when we allow ourselves to focus on the Eucharistic Celebration and be challenged by the theme "Live Truth, Live Eucharist." We will celebrate in a way that honors God and encourages hearts to look forward with unity and hope -- a much-needed expectation as we envision the ending of this pandemic.
The Gospel is from St. Luke 12:13-21. Jesus was surrounded by a large crowd to whom he was giving his message of salvation. Some men in the crowd asked him to arbitrate in a family dispute over property. This Jesus refused to do. This interest in property gave him the occasion to teach his hearers, and all of us, in a very effective parable, the relative value of this world's goods.